CHUM is people of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives, and organize for a just and compassionate community. Duluth’s primary Emergency Shelter for people experiencing homelessness, we have 70 beds for individuals and six apartments for families. We always make room, providing extra sleeping pads if beds are full 1,100 people utilize CHUM’s Emergency Shelter each year; nearly three-fourths have experienced homelessness multiple times. And nearly two-thirds have a disability of long duration.
CHUM’s Stree Outreach Team works with people who are living on the street, in the woods, or in other places unfit for human habitation. CHUM’s Street Outreach works with 150-200 people a year. Most are experiencing long-term or chronic homelessness. CHUM staff help meet them meet their basic needs. Stabilize their housing, and reduce their contact with the police. We advocate for and with them when they are involved with law enforcement, corrections, health care, and other public systems.
The Steve O’Neil Apartments provide 44 units of permanent supportive housing for families with children who have experienced long-term homelessness. CHUM’s supportive services break the cycle of family homelessness by providing safe and secure housing in the context of housing first. Harm reduction, and trauma-informed practices. Family coaches work with parents to help them maintain their housing and become good tenants and neighbors. They also help parents address issues that cause their homelessness.
St. Francis Apartments is a 43-unit property designed to provide housing to single individuals, preferably elderly, who have a history of homelessness and who meet the High Priority Homeless eligibility and screening requirements. Housing is offered to homeless individuals who are eligible for permanent supportive housing because of age, disabilities, and/or underlying health conditions. 32 of these units will be offered to people experiencing chronic homelessness. The remaining 11 units will be offered to those experiencing long-term homelessness. Owned by St. Luke’s Hospital with services provided by CHUM, St. Francis Apartments follows Housing First principles offering housing and services to people experiencing homelessness.
It Takes a Community
CHUM is supported financially by our 43 member congregations, thousands of individuals, many regional and local corporations, and by State, County, and City programs that assist people experiencing poverty, hunger, and homelessness. We are also supported by hundreds of volunteers who spend their time cooking meals, packing food boxes, knitting sleeping mats, organizing donation drives, and ensuring that those in need get the help and respect they deserve.
Stepping On Up
CHUM supports the Stepping On Up proposal as an innovative idea designed to change the progression of homelessness in our community. This three-phase plan addresses the needs of those experiencing homelessness by meeting people where they are at in a dignified and sustainable way. This program is designed to be a fluid system that utilizes existing community resources more efficiently and benefits the people we are serving in a way that builds strength in individuals and strength in the community.
CHUM 102 W. 2nd St. Duluth, Mn 55802 (218)720-6521