Homelessness can happen to anyone. With 1 in 7 people living in poverty today, housing insecurity is not limited to a certain “type” of person. The Salvation Army’s response to our region’s housing problems ranges from Family Transitional Housing, Rapid Rehousing to a Landlord Incentives Program. We also provide assistance with rent and deposits for those experiencing homelessness or those at imminent risk of becoming homeless (FHPAP). As an involved participant in the development of this five-year proposal addressing homelessness, and also as a result of working with One Roof to build housing for singles, we know a lot more needs to be done.
In providing its programs and services to the homeless community, The Salvation Army is committed to accommodating all those in need without unlawful discrimination or harassment based on age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other characteristic in accordance with our capacity to help. The Salvation Army’s housing staff have volunteered at the warming center in the past and understand the great need of our community. This trip to the Twin Cities will be of great educational value to us as it will reveal exciting possibilities for our community.
The Salvation Army Homeless Housing Program provides safe and affordable housing, ongoing case management, education and employment assistance, personal budgeting classes, advocacy and referral to other resources, rent and utility assistance, warrant resolution, and other legal barrier assistance.
More Than Red Kettles
We support low-income families in shelters who need up to one year of rental assistance to obtain stable housing through our Rapid Re-Housing Program (RRH). The Family Homeless Prevention Assistance Program (FHPAP) provides supportive services, and financial assistance to households who are experiencing homelessness, and those at risk of becoming homeless. The Family Transitional Housing Program (FTH) provides fully furnished housing and intensive support services for homeless families with minor children. Participants pay a monthly rent based on 30% of their income. There are no income requirements or length of sobriety requirements, interested parties will have a sobriety plan in place. We also help landlords through our Landlord Incentive Program (LIP) where the landlord receives two incentives for accepting the client; a supportive services staff person to aid in communication, and a monetary incentive fund set aside to claim if there are expenses due to the tenant not fulfilling their terms of the lease. Participants who are interested in these programs can call 211 to start the screening process.
Stepping On Up
The Salvation Army supports the Stepping On Up proposal as an innovative idea designed to change the progression of homelessness in our community. This three-phase plan addresses the needs of those experiencing homelessness by meeting people where they are at in a dignified and sustainable way. This program is designed to be a fluid system that utilizes existing community resources more efficiently and benefits the people we are serving in a way that builds strength in individuals and strength in the community.
The Salvation Army 215 s 27thAve W Duluth, MN 55806 218-722-7934 www.duluthsa.org